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What's the distance between Earth and the Moon?

 What's the distance between Earth and the Moon?

According to NASA, the average distance between the Earth and the moon is 239,228.3 miles (385,000.6 km). 

However this distance varies depending on the orbit of the moon. 

The variation usually fall within the range of 221,500miles (356,500 km) at perigee to 252,700 miles (406,700 km) at apogee. 

Keep in mind that perigee is a point where the moon orbits closest to earth and apogee is a point where the moon orbits at the farthest distance from earth.

During a Spaceflight to the moon, it takes Astronauts about 3 days to land on the Celestial body. 

3 days might make you think that the moon is close. But in reality, the moon is far. 

If you are to trek to the lunar surface, it will take you nearly 9 years to arrive there. But this is not possible because we can only reach the moon currently with a spaceship.

When next you are considering the distance between the Earth and the moon, I believe this post will help you answer this question. 

Maybe, future Technology may reduce our trip to the lunar surface to a day or less in the future.

#moon #earth

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