Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, which was started by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2018, provides land-owning farmer families annual income support of Rs 6,000. It is deposited in their bank accounts in three equal instalments. The 10th instalment was released on January 1, 2022.
The PM Kisan website recently mentioned that e-KYC has been made mandatory for all PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana registered farmers. All beneficiaries need to do an Aadhaar based OTP authentication or a biometric authentication at the nearest common services centre (CSC) to continue getting benefits.
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Here’s how to update e-KYC via Aadhaar OTP authentication
- Visit the official website of PM-Kisan
- Click on ‘new eKYC’ option available on the right side of the page
- Enter Aadhaar Card number, captcha code in the specified field and click on the search button
- Enter the mobile number that is linked with the Aadhaar card
- Click on the 'Get OTP' button and after receiving the OTP enter it in the specified field
- The website mentions that there may be ‘Time Out’ and delay when verifying OTP due to temporary issues with OTP services of the UIDAI.
For biometric authentication, farmers need to visit the nearest CSC.
The PM Kisan scheme is entirely funded by the government. According to the scheme, the state government and the UT administration identify the farming families eligible for assistance.