Subject:- Extension-schedule for submission of Permission-Cum-Admission
Forms for Higher Secondary Part-I (Class 11th) for Annual/Regular,
2020 Examination through offline mode, as last and binding chance.
In order to safeguard the academic interests of the candidates who are yet to submit
the Permission-cum-Admission Forms and Statement of Enrollments concerning Higher
Secondary Part-I (Class 11th) for Annual/Regular,2020 Examination, it is hereby notified
for information of all the concerned candidates who are on-rolls in Higher Secondary
>Part-I (Class 11th) for the current Academic Session 2019-20 in the Affiliated Academic
Institutions of the Kashmir Division including District Kargil and are eligible to appear
in the ensuing Annual/Regular,2020 Examinations, that the last date for submission of
the same is hereby extended upto 16th November,2020 (inclusive of preparation days)
with a late fee of Rs.2,500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Four Hundred only) per candidate,
in addition to normal prescribed fee.
>Further, it is also notified that the Renewal Registration Return, if not
deposited earlier, shall be accepted with a late fee of Rs.650/- per candidate,
in addition to normal fee upto 16th November,2020.
• Issued, in continuation to notifications bearing No. F(JSE/R/PCA.R.RR) KD/ 20,
dated. 2nd November,2020. This is the last and binding chance and no claim,
whatsoever, shall be accepted after the said last date.
# Rest of the terms and conditions, as envisaged in the main notifications shall
remain unaltered.