University of Kashmir
"Entrance Examination-2020
The Superintendents/Invigilators (Candidates)of Examination Centres are advised to adhere strictly to the following instructions for the smooth conduct of Entrance Examinations 2020 (They shall Strictly follow)
(1) Report in the Examination Hall One Hour before the commencement of the examination for making necessary arrangements for the conduct of examinations
(2) Display seating plan and necessary guidance to the candidates at prominent places well in advance, so that the examinees are able to locate their seats easily
(3) Collect the required stationary including photo attendance and OMR Sheets 30 minutes before commencement of examination from respective Deans of the Schools
(4) Allow the candidates to enter the Examination Hall on the production of Admit Card and a valid photo Identity Card 20 minutes before the commencement of the examination
(5) Distribute OMR Sheets in order of Roll Numbers to the candidates 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination so as to allow the candidate to mark their particulars onto the OMR sheets
(6) While distributing the Question Papers of Statistics subject distribute the question papers as per the choice of the candidate i.e. Statistics for Statistics and Mathematics for Statistics and instruct the candidates to write in the box subject opted for as Statistics (M) for Mathematics for Statistics and Statistics (S) for Statistics for Statistics after the termination of the Entrance Test collect the OMR separately and sealed them in the envelope provided for separately
(7) While distributing the Question Papers of English and English Honor’s distribute the question papers as per the choice of the candidate i.e. English for candidates with English Literature and English
Honor’s for candidates with BA Hon’s English and after the termination of the Entrance Test collect the OMR separately and sealed them in the envelope provided for separately
(8) Ensure that for MTTM subject the OMR sheets with 150 responses have been distributed among the aspirants and instruct the candidates to give their responses only upto first 120 circles
(9) Instruct candidates to read the instructions reflected on the OMR Sheet carefully and fill the required particulars (Roll No., Name, Subject, Series and Signature) at the appropriate places on the OMR Sheets
(10) Instruct the candidates to fill the required particulars in the provided space for using blue or black ball point pen only
(11) Guide candidates in filling their particulars in the OMR Sheet to ensure that each candidate fills correct and complete particulars on the OMR Sheet. Invigilators shall be held responsible for any inadequate/partial particulars filled in the OMR Sheet
(12) Ensure that every candidate in the centre is wearing mask and have sanitized their hands before receiving OMR sheet
(13) Ensure that electronic gadgets (Calculators/Cellular Phones/Pager/Digital Diaries etc) are not used by candidates
(14) Instruct the candidates who have to appear in the Entrance Test for MA Mass Communication and Journalism, that it is mandatory to appear in the two sessions i.e. 11:00 AM (Objective) and 02:00 PM (Descriptive)
(15) Ensure that no candidate breaks the seal of the Question booklet before scheduled time
(16) Collect back the OMR sheet and Question Booklets of absent candidates after 15 minutes of the commencement of the examinations
(17) Complete photo attendance and sign the OMR sheet after checking the particulars, write “ABSENT” against the absent candidates with “RED INK”
(18) Regularly announce about the time available to the candidates
(19) Announce to candidates before 5 minutes of the conclusion of the examination to tear off the strip at the perforation line on the top of the OMR Sheet to separate carbon copy from the original OMR Sheet without damaging edges of the OMR Sheet and keep the OMR Sheet ready for handing overover
(20) Allowed candidates to leave the examination hall only after collection and counting of “USED” and “UNUSED OMR” Sheets
(21) Forward sealed packet of Used OMR Sheets in Pink color envelope (A), Master Attendance, Copy of Memo, No Relation Certificate, Attendance of the Supervisory and other Staff (session wise) and
Opening Certificate in Yellow color envelope (B) and Un-Used Question Booklets (if any) in Blue color envelope to the office of the Directorate of Admissions & Competitive Examinations immediately after the conclusion of examination of each programme through the Observer
(21) Contact the Observer from the University of Kashmir for any assistance/help if required.
(Directorate of Admissions &
Competitive Examinations)
No.: F(ET-Inst-Supdt./Invg.)DACE/KU/20
Dated:- 08-09-2020
"Entrance Examination-2020
The Superintendents/Invigilators (Candidates)of Examination Centres are advised to adhere strictly to the following instructions for the smooth conduct of Entrance Examinations 2020 (They shall Strictly follow)
(1) Report in the Examination Hall One Hour before the commencement of the examination for making necessary arrangements for the conduct of examinations
(2) Display seating plan and necessary guidance to the candidates at prominent places well in advance, so that the examinees are able to locate their seats easily
(3) Collect the required stationary including photo attendance and OMR Sheets 30 minutes before commencement of examination from respective Deans of the Schools
(4) Allow the candidates to enter the Examination Hall on the production of Admit Card and a valid photo Identity Card 20 minutes before the commencement of the examination
(5) Distribute OMR Sheets in order of Roll Numbers to the candidates 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination so as to allow the candidate to mark their particulars onto the OMR sheets
(6) While distributing the Question Papers of Statistics subject distribute the question papers as per the choice of the candidate i.e. Statistics for Statistics and Mathematics for Statistics and instruct the candidates to write in the box subject opted for as Statistics (M) for Mathematics for Statistics and Statistics (S) for Statistics for Statistics after the termination of the Entrance Test collect the OMR separately and sealed them in the envelope provided for separately
(7) While distributing the Question Papers of English and English Honor’s distribute the question papers as per the choice of the candidate i.e. English for candidates with English Literature and English
Honor’s for candidates with BA Hon’s English and after the termination of the Entrance Test collect the OMR separately and sealed them in the envelope provided for separately
(8) Ensure that for MTTM subject the OMR sheets with 150 responses have been distributed among the aspirants and instruct the candidates to give their responses only upto first 120 circles
(9) Instruct candidates to read the instructions reflected on the OMR Sheet carefully and fill the required particulars (Roll No., Name, Subject, Series and Signature) at the appropriate places on the OMR Sheets
(10) Instruct the candidates to fill the required particulars in the provided space for using blue or black ball point pen only
(11) Guide candidates in filling their particulars in the OMR Sheet to ensure that each candidate fills correct and complete particulars on the OMR Sheet. Invigilators shall be held responsible for any inadequate/partial particulars filled in the OMR Sheet
(12) Ensure that every candidate in the centre is wearing mask and have sanitized their hands before receiving OMR sheet
(13) Ensure that electronic gadgets (Calculators/Cellular Phones/Pager/Digital Diaries etc) are not used by candidates
(14) Instruct the candidates who have to appear in the Entrance Test for MA Mass Communication and Journalism, that it is mandatory to appear in the two sessions i.e. 11:00 AM (Objective) and 02:00 PM (Descriptive)
(15) Ensure that no candidate breaks the seal of the Question booklet before scheduled time
(16) Collect back the OMR sheet and Question Booklets of absent candidates after 15 minutes of the commencement of the examinations
(17) Complete photo attendance and sign the OMR sheet after checking the particulars, write “ABSENT” against the absent candidates with “RED INK”
(18) Regularly announce about the time available to the candidates
(19) Announce to candidates before 5 minutes of the conclusion of the examination to tear off the strip at the perforation line on the top of the OMR Sheet to separate carbon copy from the original OMR Sheet without damaging edges of the OMR Sheet and keep the OMR Sheet ready for handing overover
(20) Allowed candidates to leave the examination hall only after collection and counting of “USED” and “UNUSED OMR” Sheets
(21) Forward sealed packet of Used OMR Sheets in Pink color envelope (A), Master Attendance, Copy of Memo, No Relation Certificate, Attendance of the Supervisory and other Staff (session wise) and
Opening Certificate in Yellow color envelope (B) and Un-Used Question Booklets (if any) in Blue color envelope to the office of the Directorate of Admissions & Competitive Examinations immediately after the conclusion of examination of each programme through the Observer
(21) Contact the Observer from the University of Kashmir for any assistance/help if required.
(Directorate of Admissions &
Competitive Examinations)
No.: F(ET-Inst-Supdt./Invg.)DACE/KU/20
Dated:- 08-09-2020